






IS Primary G5 Lion Wendy

IS小学部 五年级狮子班 吴丞珳迪

I dress up as Zhinv(织女) from the book ‘ Niulang and zhinv’ (牛郎织女). She is a kind, gentle and beautiful girl. She was in love with Niulang but the queen mother of the West doesn’t like her to be with Niulang so she had not seen Niulang for a while. But then, the queen mother of the West agreed she and Niulang meet once in a year. I dressed up like her because I think her costume was very beautiful.

IS Primary G4 Panda

IS小学部 四年级熊猫班 戴以恒

I dress up as ‘Thee Eyed God’(二郎神杨戬)from the book ‘大话降龙’. I choose him because he is handsome and is always helping the others. As a hero, he also fights the monsters and protects the people around him. This makes him one of the most active gods in all kinds of Chinese Legends.


LS Primary 4B-陆怡霏


LS Primary 5D-李棣华





IS中学部 IS Secondary

Dora Zhou, A1CL

I chose to dress as Antonio Salieri from the book “The Life of Mozart” by John Rosselli, which is then been recreated into a French musical named ”
Mozart l’Opera Rock”. Salieri is more than a character created by the author, he is also a real-life musician during 18th century along with Mozart. His musical talent was always compared with  Mozart’s gengeniuses,  making him less famous. Therefore, I chose to cosplay him because I believe he deserves more fame.  It was a great experience yesterday walking around the tracks in front of everyone and I wish we will have it again next year.

Vincy, Grade 6

“I dressed up as Emily in the book Identity V. She was a doctor in a famous hospital, but some say that she took part in some illegal experiment. She was very good at it, too, but one day, a mistake took away a gardener’s mother’s life. She was horrified by the price she payed, and it drove her to an abandoned church-the red church. It’s where a mysterious landlord gives the letter to someone who disappeared after they got the letter. Some say that they were invited to play a game with the owner of the red church. But they never came back….”



LS 中学部  IS Secondary

7A  徐奕维


7B 尹彭

我扮演的人物是选自《Star War》里的达斯维达。他是个勇敢的人。我选择扮演他是因为他思维敏捷,认真仔细,让我很佩服。



6A 王戴米




Names of the Winners


IS 小学部 IS Primary

G1 Lion 徐梓媛 Cynthia

G1 Dragon 郑宇涵 Johnny

G1 Panda Paul

G2 Lion 陈钰博 Edison

G2 Dragon 薛丁闻 Callie

G2 Panda李姈韵 Meeko

G3 Lion 孔庆欣 Ella

G3 Dragon 蔡诗琪Annabelle

G3 Panda  李晓蔚 June

G4 Lion 张跃洋 Kimi

G4 Dragon 罗澜 Lori

G4 Panda 戴以恒 Aurora

G4 Tiger 王知幼Yolanda

G5 Lion吴丞珳迪Wendy

G5 Dragon Michelle

G5 Panda 周宸绮Bella

G5 Tiger Tomas


LS小学部 LS Primary

一年级:1A王翊沣 1B罗越阳 1C谢咏璇

二年级:2A 胡洮 2B 夏宇涵 2C 赵暖文

三年级:3A奚梓杰 3B班涂益彰 3C银浚杰

四年级:4A黄子赫 4B陆怡霏 4C徐梦涵 4D王麒舒

五年级:5A汪子怡 5B曲远丰 5C曹舒尔 5D赵衣晨&李棣华。


IS 中学部 IS Secondary

A level-Grace and Dora

G6-Tiffany and Vincy

G7- AJ and Lijia

G8- Josh and Christine.


IG2- Shirley


LS 中学部 LS Secondary


6B: 戴殳润

6C :徐思圆

7A   许奕维






Let’s looking forward the upcoming book week!