Name of the work: The Cuties in Woodcut Painting
作品简介Introduction of the work
绘画一般靠手绘来完成作品,而版画则需要手绘、制版、印刷完成,而且可以印出多幅原作。通过不同的刀法和表现形式,呈现出不同的黑白灰的层次感。运用版画的艺术语言创作一张张有个性的“可爱”们,为他们的努力鼓掌!Compared with painting, woodcut painting requires the complicated process of drawing, cutting and printing , together with many original works. Different levels of layerings are presented by diverse skills and patterns. Let’s cheer up for them to use the art of woodcut painting, showing little distinct cuties.

指导教师:包海燕 肖俊
Tutored by: Ms. Bao Haiyan and Ms. Xiao Jun
作者:林依晨 任睿琪 王矜然 汪道宁 刘欣宇
陈子瑞 陈洲 王若希 王诗韵
Name of the work: Skills and Structure Practice
作品简介Introduction of the work
这是一组刀法练习的作品,由参加《版画》初中拓展课特色课程的同学完成。木刻刀法、组织表现是木刻版画学习的重要内容,同学们选择同一素材,依靠刀法的不同变化,形成独特感观的画面效果,丰富而有序,刻得很精彩。也欢迎有兴趣的同学来试试看哦!This is a set of skills practice completed by students who attend art ECA. Woodcut skills and its structure are two main aspects that students should learn. Choosing the same materials, students have used different skills to present diversity of woodcut painting. Welcome you all to have a try.

指导老师:包海燕 肖俊
Tutored by: Ms. Bao Haiyan and Ms. Xiao Jin
作者:朱星宇 钱墨 李一帆 吴佩珊 鲁顺欣 胡嘉荣
Name of the work: Sat Painting–Speical Sunflowers
作品简介Introduction of the work
这是一组致敬大师的作品,同学们运用学会的版画艺术语言,重新演绎了荷兰画家梵高的《向日葵》作品。套色版画需要画稿、分版、制版、对版拓印一系列的制作过程,同学们耐心细致,完成的很棒吧!It is a set of woodcut painting dedicated to the master. Using what they have learnt, students repainted the most famous work of Van Gogh, Sunflowers. Set painting requires a complicated process of drawing, cutting and printing. How fantastic!

指导教师:包海燕 肖俊
Tutored by: Ms. Bao Haiyan and Ms. Xiao Jun
作者:郭可云 徐茵 谢心灵 葛心怡 曹语轩 李一帆
Name of the work: Two Fishes
作品简介Introduction of the work
这是一组一版多色的版画作品,也是版画的独特表现形式,通过不同色调的拓印,呈现丰富的色彩效果。不同的拓印技巧,呈现的美也不相同。精准而有变化的刀法组织,也体现了作者的娴熟版画技巧。It is a set painting with same woodcut but various colors, which is also a unique pattern. With different colors, it shows distinct effects. The skills shown in the painting best reflects the skills of the painter.

指导教师:包海燕 肖俊
Tutored by: Ms. Bao Haiyan and Ms. Xiao Jun